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Home peritoneal dialysis treatments on your schedule

Training, support, and encouragement to help you feel your best

People pick home peritoneal dialysis to live the longest, healthiest life they can with the freedom to live the way they want.

Private, expert training

Peritoneal dialysis treatment, or PD for short, begins with in-depth, private training by a knowledgeable and kind dialysis nurse in a home dialysis education center. Step by step, the nurse makes sure you understand the dialysis process and how to work your equipment. In about two to four weeks, most people feel comfortable giving themselves treatments at home by themselves.

Supplies delivered each month

Each month, PD supplies arrive at your home so you can perform your treatment on a schedule designed by you and your doctor.

PD lifestyle

Many people on PD have treatments at night, while they sleep. This means their days are free to work, attend school, or do whatever they want.

24/7 help and support

About once a month, you meet with your home dialysis care team – including your dialysis nurse, social worker, and dietitian. This is to make sure you’re as healthy as you can be. When you have a question, a dialysis nurse is ready to help you 24/7 by phone.

Learn more about home dialysis and find out why more than 95% of doctors and nurses would choose dialysis at home.

Peritoneal dialysis might be the right option for you if you:

  • Are on the transplant wait list or scheduled for a transplant
  • Want to work or attend school
  • Like to travel
  • Dislike needles
  • Want to have more energy
  • Prefer  treatment in a private setting
  • Want more freedom in what you can eat and drink
  • Have some space at home to store supplies

Learn how peritoneal dialysis (PD) works

Needle-free dialysis through the abdomen

PD uses the lining in your abdomen (peritoneum) and a special solution (dialysate) to remove waste and extra fluid from the blood. Treatments are done at home during the day or at night.

What is a peritoneal dialysis exchange?

A PD treatment is called an exchange. A special fluid flows into the abdomen, attracts toxins and extra fluid, and flows out of the abdomen, removing the toxins and fluids.

The science behind peritoneal dialysis

Through the process of osmosis and diffusion, toxins cross the semipermeable membrane from the blood into a special fluid placed into peritoneum (abdomen). These toxins are removed with the fluid as they flow out of the abdomen during a treatment exchange.

Two ways to have peritoneal dialysis (PD) treatments

Everyone on PD learns how to give themselves manual PD. Most people also learn how to use a PD machine so they can have treatments at night while they sleep.

Manual PD

Treatments, called exchanges, are done by hand, usually 4 times a day. Each exchange takes 30-45 minutes. Manual PD is also called continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD)

Learn from Nurse Joanna how manual PD works

En español

Machine PD

Treatments, called exchanges, are done by a machine at night, while you sleep. Machine PD is also called continuous cycling PD (CCPD)

Learn from Nurse Joanna how machine PD works

En español

3 Reasons to Consider Home Dialysis in the New Year

Pets and Peritoneal Dialysis? Absolutely!

5 Reasons to Consider Home Dialysis

Dialysis nurse available 24/7

No matter where you are or what time it is, you can immediately reach a trained home dialysis nurse by phone anytime, day or night, every day of the year.

Your dialysis team helps you prepare a space in your home for treatments

Most people need a few small changes to their home to ensure their treatment is safe and comfortable. In most cases, these tasks are fast, easy and affordable.

You and your care team

You are the most important person on your dialysis team. Standing by you are highly-trained and supportive health care experts ready to help you live a better life.

Meet Patrick