What to expect when you begin dialysis at home

Kind, expert training for confident dialysis at home
Your first day training for home dialysis may feel a bit overwhelming. But like every other ‘first’ in your life, before long, you’ll learn what you need to do to be successful.
Plus, you’ll love the benefits of home dialysis – more schedule and meal freedom, fewer medications, and more energy!
And, from day one, your kind and experienced care team is here to show you and your family how dialysis at home works and answer your questions anytime day or night.
Before your first home dialysis training day
- Someone from your care team calls to confirm the day and time of your training and gives you directions to the center.
- It’s a good idea to drive by the center ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about getting lost on your first day.
- Look at the parking options for your center. Most centers have spots very close to the front door. However, centers in more urban areas may have more limited parking.
- If you have any questions, be sure to call your center for advice.
- If you need transportation to your center, please let the center know as soon as possible.
- If you’d like a friend or family member to come with you, give them your appointment information as early as possible.
- Your center offers information in many languages, but if you’d prefer to bring someone to help translate, he/she is most welcome.
On your first home dialysis training day
- Plan on being at the center for several hours on your first day. The number varies depending on the type of dialysis you learn. During your training sessions, your dialysis nurse will help you with your treatment and answer your questions. Once you begin regular dialysis in your home, your time in the center usually drops to an hour or so once a month.
- Before leaving home, make sure you have as many of the following items as possible:
- Insurance card(s)
- Medication list
- Advanced Healthcare Directive (AHCD)
- Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- Any other healthcare information you want to share
- Wear loose clothes and comfortable shoes. Many people bring a sweater and a blanket to have just in case they get cold during training.
- Give yourself a few extra minutes to arrive at your center a little early. Your appointment begins with a tour and time to finalize paperwork.
- Next, you’ll be escorted to your training room, meet more of your care team, and begin dialysis training. Before you leave, your nurse checks your dialysis access.
Fitting home dialysis into your life is easier than you think
Visit Eric and Tameka in their home. See how they make home hemodialysis work for them and how, in just a few weeks, managing equipment and supplies became second nature.

Kind, helpful and committed to you
With years of experience and a passion for helping you live your best life, your dialysis care team looks forward to getting to know you and your family.

Dialysis nurse standing by for you 24/7
No matter where you are or what time it is, you can immediately reach a trained home dialysis nurse by phone day or night, every day of the year.
Helping you get ready at home
Your training team helps you figure out how to have safe and comfortable treatments at home.
At your invitation, your training team visits your home to discuss options and answer your questions, such as:
- Where to set up your dialysis machine
- What furniture you have that might be best for treatments
- Finding access to power, lighting, phone/internet, water, etc.
- Reviewing the supply list
- Sharing tips on supply storage
After helping thousands of people begin dialysis at home, your team has ideas and solutions for every living situation.
You’ll see. It’s easier than you might think.

Additional Resources
Eating and drinking on dialysis
Your diet, treatment, and medications work together to help you feel your best and stay healthy. Here’s what you need to know to get started.
Paying for dialysis care
It’s common to have questions about insurance and other financial matters. Find information on where to get answers.
Asking for help as you begin dialysis
There are many ways to get the support you need to begin dialysis with confidence. Learn more about our support resources.
More than 90% of people doing dialysis at home are very happy with their choice.
Are you asking yourself, ‘can I really learn how to do dialysis at home?’ The answer is ‘absolutely!’ Satellite nurses have helped thousands of people learn how to do dialysis at home, with confidence.

In the words of our patients
What your healthcare team wants you to know about home dialysis

"More than 95% of doctors and nurses would choose dialysis at home."

"Dialysis at home may seem overwhelming at first, but most people are successful and very satisfied with their choice."