Understanding who pays for dialysis

What you need to know and where to get help if you need it
Getting the best possible kidney care includes learning about your health coverage and how to get the most out of it.
The cost of dialysis or a transplant can vary depending on the type of insurance you have and the coverage the plan offers.
Commercial Health Insurance
- This type of insurance is an employment benefit (either for you or your domestic partner) or is purchased directly by an individual.
- The bill for your treatments is sent to your insurance company directly.
- In most cases, these health plans cover costs associated with dialysis and help with the costs of medications.
Government Health Insurance
- More than 90% of people on dialysis have treatment covered through Medicare, Medicare Supplement, and/or Medicaid. If you’re beginning treatment without health insurance, your dialysis provider helps you customize a plan that fits your situation.
- The bill for your treatments is sent to your insurance company directly.
- In most cases, these health plans cover costs associated with dialysis and help with the costs of medications.
Satellite Healthcare Patient Services
855-396-2212 option 1
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time)
For people having treatment with Satellite Healthcare, the Patient Services team is standing by to help:
- Understand insurance, social security, and state disability programs
- Look at additional financial options that may be available
- Update insurance information if it changes
For faster service, have the following handy if possible: your social security card, health insurance card(s), proof of income, and other communications related to your health coverage.

Know when to ask for help
Your care team is ready to help you live a longer, happier life on dialysis. Reach out anytime you have questions or are worried about money matters.
Call your social worker for advice when:
- You’re thinking about changing health insurance plans
- There’s a life change that impacts your finances, such as a marriage, divorce, or job loss
- You have difficulty paying bills or buying food
- You have a problem and you’re not sure what to do

Money matters is just one thing your social worker can help you with.
Learn more about all the ways your social worker can help you make your life on dialysis a little easier.

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