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Home Dialysis

3 Reasons to Consider Home Dialysis in the New Year

People living on dialysis have different options to receive their therapy. One of these options is to have their treatments at home.

In fact, more than 97% of kidney doctors and nurses would choose to have dialysis at home, if they were able, instead of in a dialysis center.

If you’ve wondered if home dialysis might be right for you, here are three reasons to consider making the change.

1. Schedule Freedom

 Switching to home dialysis gives you more freedom out of your day. Because you’ll perform treatments yourself (and sometimes with the help of a care partner) out of the comfort of your home, the timing is flexible for you to fit in work, school, taking care of family or even to just enjoy your favorite activities.

2. Expert Training and 24/7 Support

Your home dialysis training team makes sure you’re comfortable performing treatments at home. Plus, home dialysis machines have never been easier to use. And, your team is available 24 hours a day to help you with questions or problems over the phone. It’s normal to feel nervous about doing treatments yourself, but you’ll be surprised (and proud) of how much you’ll learn in a few short weeks.

3. Better Quality of Life

The vast majority of people who dialyze at home are very happy that they chose this option because of the many benefits. Most people on home dialysis:

  • take less daily medication
  • have shorter post-treatment recovery times and generally more energy
  • have fewer food and diet restrictions
  • enjoy better sleep

Most people on home dialysis are extremely happy they made the switch. Ask your social worker, or anyone on your Satellite Healthcare care team, about your options for home dialysis.

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