Patient Stories

Found 7 results for "Home Hemodialysis"
Home Hemodialysis

Eric and Tameka chose home hemodialysis
See how they make home hemodialysis work for them.
Home Hemodialysis

Dick transitions from PD to Home Hemo with Tablo
“There are some real advantages to it, especially the flexibility, and the way you can customize it to your needs.”
Home Hemodialysis

Lou-Anne thrives on home dialysis
Lou-Anne lives life well thanks to dialysis at home.
Home Hemodialysis

Annette enjoys the freedoms of home hemo
“I’m working on my bucket list, which is all the places I want to go. I can do that now. Even beyond that, I think I’m still here, and alive, and functioning as well as I do, because I’m doing home hemo.”
Home Hemodialysis

Home hemodialysis makes Serafino feel better
“They did a presentation of home hemodialysis, and I jumped right on it. I said, ‘Feel better? Do it on my own time? I could travel too? All right let’s go ahead and start it’”.
Home Hemodialysis

Robert's grateful for home hemodialysis advantages
Robert will miss his in-center team when he heads to home dialysis.
Home Hemodialysis

Home hemodialysis fits Elias' busy lifestyle
“The fact that I work, having the energy to work all day, and have our gatherings with friends or family, I’m able to be a better provider for my family now and to keep up with them.”