Patient Stories

Found 5 results for "Center Hemodialysis"
Center Hemodialysis

Nothing keeps Bill from laughing and having fun
“It’s terrific. Makes you feel a whole lot better… and if you know you’re going to be laughing, that’s just really nice, really good.”
Center Hemodialysis

Dialysis helps Ken stay strong
“Dialysis has reversed the whole thing. Now I do 100 pushups in the morning and I do 100 pushups in the evening. I do 50 laps, and then I’ll go ride the bike. I’m not trying to impress you, I’m trying to express what dialysis can do.”
Center Hemodialysis

Sam laughs through treatment
“We get to laugh and we get to exercise at the same time and it’s a real fun experience.”
Center Hemodialysis

Wilson turned tragedy into inspiration
"It feels like it's a whole village taking care of me."
Center Hemodialysis
Nighttime treatment gives David the energy to work
“I feel a lot better on nocturnal. It’s a world of difference compared to the day. Because it’s so much slower it’s easier on the body. When I get done I’m able to work.”