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Living well on dialysis

Living your best life possible means living a dialysis-friendly lifestyle, which includes:

Get every minute of your dialysis treatment

Your kidney doctor has carefully determined exactly how much dialysis your body needs to be as healthy as possible. Do everything possible to not miss treatment or shorten your treatment time. Every minute counts! If you need help with transportation or some other problem that might prevent you from getting treatment, call your care team immediately.

Staying Positive

Make time every day to do something you love. Connect with others and share how you’re feeling. Ask your care team for help when living on dialysis gets difficult.

Staying Active

No matter your physical ability, staying active is essential for a better and longer life. Talk to your kidney doctor about the right exercise plan for you.

Additional resources

What makes you happy? Your care team is ready to help you do what you want/need to do and to live a life with moments of joy.

Work and travel

Dialysis can fit into your lifestyle. Need to work? Interested in going back to school? Want to plan a special vacation? It’s possible. Get the information and then start planning what’s next!

Working tips on dialysis

Travel tips on dialysis

Dialysis with more freedom

If you ever feel like you’d like more schedule freedom, more food options, or the opportunity to take fewer medications, home dialysis may be right for you.

Learn more about home dialysis options

Delicious recipes for a dialysis-healthy life

Our online cookbook includes dozens of tasty kidney-friendly recipes to enjoy. In fact, these dishes are good for your whole family. Which one will become your new favorite dinner go-to?

View all recipes

Chicken Squash and Rice

This satisfying dish is sure to please even the pickiest eater.

Fruit Kabobs

This kidney-friendly snack is sure to hit the spot.