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Finding Ways to Relax While Social Distancing

People with Chronic Illnesses and Social Distancing

As humans, we require physical touch and social interaction with others to thrive — and not being able to have this basic human need can be stressful and, at times, feel lonely. While it’s necessary for us to practice social distancing, those who have chronic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), may respond very differently to this stress. However, the good news is, there are some things you can do to relax and relieve stress during this unprecedented time. Here are some tips.

Take a Break from News

While it’s important to stay informed, it’s also critical not to overconsume. Take a break from social media, watching news channels, and reading newspapers. Limiting your intake of information about the situation can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Take Care of Your Body

While at home, you can also do the following to give your body good care:
  • Sit still and take deep breaths
  • Stretch
  • Meditate
  • Eat a kidney-friendly diet
  • Find ways to stay active at home (such as yoga or gardening in your backyard)
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Listen to your favorite music

Find Ways to Relax

While the activities mentioned above are also excellent for decompressing, these other activities can help you to unwind:
  • Read a book
  • Put together a puzzle
  • Watch a funny movie
  • Learn a new kidney-friendly recipe
  • Call or video chat a family member or friend to catch up
Learning ways to relax while social distancing can be beneficial to your mental health.
Social distancing is important but so is dialysis treatment. Never miss your treatment. Satellite Healthcare centers remain open and available to you. For more information, contact your local Satellite Healthcare Dialysis Center.

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