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Living with Dialysis

The Home Dialysis Academy of Excellence (HDAE): A Collaboration

Q: “Is the Home Dialysis Academy of Excellence, HDAE, designed to provide nephrology fellows with a wide and deep understanding of the value and application of home dialysis as a therapeutic option?”

Dr. Graham Abra, MD: “Absolutely. We don’t prescribe what we don’t know. In the case of home therapies, if it’s not something that you’re familiar with, you’re just not going to be able to counsel patients around the benefits of these therapies and feel comfortable starting and managing these different types of dialysis.

“You said about 13 percent of patients choose to do a home therapy…this is one of the gaps that Ken and I see because there are many patients who do not have that choice, because they don’t understand or know about home therapies in a way in which they might select one.”

Dr. Graham Abra, MD, Nephrologist
Chief Medical Officer for Home Therapies, Satellite Healthcare

Ken Leidner
Chief Growth Officer, Satellite Healthcare


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