COVID-19 Update

The safety of you and your care team
The safety of you and your care team continues to be our top priority. We are doing everything possible to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 within the center.
Our COVID-19 policies are based on mandatory guidelines from local and state agencies as well as scientifically-proven health guidance from our nation’s top COVID experts.
Due to the recent and rapid increase in the number of COVID infections in our communities, we ask that you to please review and practice these updated policies.

1. Masking at all times
Everyone who enters a healthcare facility must properly wear a surgical mask covering their nose and mouth at all times regardless of their vaccination status.

2. No Visitors Allowed
We are limiting the number of people entering the center to only those essential for safe dialysis. Until further notice, we ask your family and caregivers to remain outside the center during your treatment. This is necessary to help maintain our efforts in meeting required physical distance between people in the center.

3. Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself
We continue to strongly encourage anyone who has not been vaccinated for COVID-19 to get vaccinated immediately at a local pharmacy or from a primary care physician.
COVID-19 booster
For those who have been vaccinated, the CDC has recently recommended that COVID-19 vaccinated people with kidney disease who have a particularly hard time fighting infections (called immunosuppressed) may benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot.
Our clinical teams are working diligently to offer you the vaccine booster shot in the next few weeks. If you have a kidney transplant, call your kidney doctor to get the booster now.

For our California patients and caregivers: Mandated vaccination or weekly testing for staff and essential visitors
Per the State of California’s recent public health order, employees and essential visitors entering a healthcare facility must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have a weekly COVID-19 test. Fully vaccinated is defined as at least 2 weeks after the single dose J&J-Janssen vaccine or the 2nd dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
If your doctor has said you must bring someone with you to treatment, please ask your essential visitor to work with me to either 1) show proof of vaccination or 2) provide proof of negative COVID-19 test taken within the last 72 hours. Please check your local pharmacy or primary care physician for test availability.