COVID19 antibodies and US patients receiving dialysis, Gentamicin-Citrate Lock study is published and more
Satellite Healthcare is focused on providing high value, safe and effective care of secondary hyperparathyroidism as calcimimetic drugs enter into the Medicare Prospective Payment System Bundle in 2021.
In the above context, In-Center hemodialysis facilities will be moving to cinacalcet administered 3x/week on dialysis as the default calcimimetic option. Home dialysis and In-Center patients who currently receive Sensipar® for home use through Satellite Healthcare, are transitioning to generic cinacalcet throughout this month.
In November of 2020, nephrologists and RDs of in-center patients will begin a collaborative evaluation to transition from current calcimimetics to cinacalcet administered 3x/week on dialysis in January 2021. Treating nephrologists will be closely involved in this transition and Parsabiv® will be available for appropriate patients.
We are committed to ensuring this is a safe and seamless transition for patients, physicians and staff. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.