A Home Dialysis Success Story, A Look at Prop 23, and More
Clear, effective communication among dialysis clinicians is integral to our ability to provide the highest quality of care to our patients. It’s particularly critical that communication between physicians and nurses be as accurate, clear and efficient as possible – every time. In an effort to reinforce this imperative, Satellite Heatlhcare will be providing improved training in use of the SBAR system. An overview of SBAR is outlined below:
Situation. What is going on with the patient?
Background. What is the clinical background or context?
Assessment. What do I think the problem is?
Recommendation. What would I recommend?
Physician involvement and support is crucial to the success of our SBAR communication efforts. That’s why we are asking all physicians to remember to ask nurses to “Give me your SBAR please.”
Thank you in advance for your participation.