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Individualized care for every patient, every treatment, every time

Caring for people with chronic kidney disease is our calling and our mission

Essential CKD/ESKD services. Emergency care. Effective care coordination. Satellite Healthcare has the expertise hospitals rely on in order to ensure that the highest quality of care and successful patient outcomes are possible.

Founded as a non-profit organization by a pioneering nephrologist, for nearly 50 years, our reputation for sustaining the best clinical outcomes in the industry has been validated and continues to be reinforced by the independent reporting of The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Inpatient Dialysis Management

Hemodialysis, Inpatient Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE), Peritoneal Dialysis (PD), Continues Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), and Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis (CVVHD) are specialty inpatient dialysis management services that Satellite provides in the hospital setting.

Satellite performs in-patient hemodialysis in hospital treatment rooms, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Isolation, as well as in the Emergency Room (ER), where we provide care that addresses issues like fluid overload, which helps to mitigate unnecessary admissions.

Our commitment to acquire and deploy state of the art supplies and equipment ensures that the data required to provide quality patient care and tracking is readily available at all times. We operate hemodialysis machines that enable us to document patient treatment information while also providing easy and convenient access to our policies.

Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE)

Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), also known as plasmapheresis and apheresis – a procedure in which the plasma in the blood is removed and replaced with another fluid – has become much more relevant to hospitals in the care of COVID-19 patients. We currently offer 2 types of equipment that perform this procedure.

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT), a 24-hour non-stop dialysis therapy, is used to gently filter and clean the blood of patients in renal failure.

Satellite performs CRRT in conjunction with Dialysis and ICU nursing staff in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).  We also offer and oversee training in this procedure to hospital ICU nursing staff at the request of hospital leadership on a semi-annual basis.

Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis (CVVHD)

The Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) program is a short-term treatment used in ICU patients with acute or chronic renal failure. Although hemodialysis is typically performed for patients with kidney failure, when the patient has low blood pressure or other contraindications to hemodialysis, CVVH may be a necessary alternative.

Satellite performs CVVHD in conjunction with Dialysis and ICU nursing staff in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).  We also offer and oversee training in this procedure to hospital ICU nursing staff at the request of hospital leadership on a semi-annual basis.

Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)

Because PD is normally performed by the patient at home, Satellite works closely with patients while providing this therapy during their admission.  Once it’s determined that patients are able to perform PD on their own, we provide the necessary supplies, equipment, training and support.  Should patients be unable to perform their own PD, Satellite administers the therapy for them.

Urgent Start PD

The typical response to an unplanned dialysis is hemodialysis (HD) with a central venous catheter (CVC). Unfortunately, the higher risk of bacteremia associated with unplanned HD versus unplanned peritoneal dialysis (PD) increases the likelihood of hospital readmissions for those patients who received urgent HD care.

Urgent start PD on the other hand, is associated with infrequent complications while avoiding all of the risks that come along with CVCs. Urgent start PD also increases patient adoption of PD as their preferred modality. Patients for whom PD is a good fit benefit from an enhanced quality of life including the ability to continue to work.

All patients new to dialysis that start on PD are eligible for Medicare back to the first of the month they start training. This is better for the patient because it resolves financial issues from hospital stays and medications. The hardest part of this program is the setup and working through the Dialysis home program that the patient’s nephrologist is affiliated with.

Your managed care population and ESRD patients are in capable and compassionate hands with Satellite Healthcare as your strategic partner. Our high performing team of kidney care experts has the experience and expertise necessary to help manage and operate your hospital’s outpatient dialysis center(s), your health care system and your patients.

Outpatient programs

Putting people before profits
In-center hemodialysis care

For nearly 50 years, Satellite Healthcare – a non-profit, physician-led CDO (Caring Dialysis Organization) – has continually offered people living with CKD and ESKD expert treatment, compassionate support and empowering education that helps them live their best life possible.

As a result of sustaining clinical outcomes that are unsurpassed in the industry, Satellite Healthcare experiences low standardized hospitalization rate (SHR) admits and our Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) and Hemodialysis (HD) patients consistently outperform industry standards, with more Satellite patients reaching recommended hemoglobin levels, more HD/PD patients achieving target levels of dialysis treatment and  more HD patients dialyzing with a vascular access.

Not only does all of this result in a better quality of life for patients, our consistently excellent clinical outcomes also mitigate hospitalizations, medical complications and their associated costs.

All patients and their families that come to Satellite for in-center dialysis care benefit from a robust program of kidney wellness education classes that include Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) management, treatment options education, nutrition, exercise and stress management, cardiovascular and blood pressure health, diabetes as well as in-depth information regarding transplantation.

Our in-center dialysis services are provided in comfortable and state-of-the art facilities by compassionate and highly trained ESKD professionals committed to humanize dialysis by ensuring individualized care for every patient, every treatment, every time.

Nighttime (Nocturnal) Dialysis: Nocturnal dialysis is a relatively new option for people with end stage kidney disease and is showing very promising outcomes. Multiple studies indicate that nocturnal dialysis improves quality of life and overall health as measured by quality outcomes.

Satellite leads the country in number of patients choosing nocturnal dialysis as their dialysis option with ~2% of our patients choosing this treatment option as compared to the US rate of 1% of patients who choose nocturnal.

More Frequent Dialysis: The major cause of death in dialysis patients is cardiovascular disease.  Satellite’s quality initiatives have therefore focused on improving achievement of dry weight by administering more frequent HD therapy for patients at risk for fluid overload.

Satellite’s intense focus on the individualized needs of our patients has resulted in us offering more treatment options, such as more frequent dialysis to our patients, helping them lead healthier and better lives.

Learn more about Satellite’s individualized, compassionate approach to center dialysis

Home dialysis

As the first dialysis organization in the United States to introduce free-standing centers dedicated to home dialysis, Satellite Healthcare WellBound centers were created to provide comprehensive, ongoing support to address the needs of patients who adopt a home dialysis modality as their preferred kidney replacement therapy.

All patients and their families coming to WellBound benefit from a robust program of kidney wellness education classes that include Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) management, treatment options education, nutrition, exercise and stress management, cardiovascular and blood pressure health, diabetes as well as in-depth information regarding transplantation.

Satellite Healthcare Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) and Home Hemodialysis (HHD) patients consistently surpass industry standards for clinical outcomes, resulting not only in a better quality of life for patients, but a mitigation of hospitalizations, medical complications and their associated costs.

Our unparalleled commitment to home therapies is responsible for our achieving nearly 2x the national average of patients choosing home (PD/HHD) as their primary therapy. This in turn contributes to our low standardized hospitalization rate (SHR) admits, more patients reaching recommended hemoglobin levels, more Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) patients achieving target levels of dialysis treatment and PD patients achieving a low peritonitis rate.

All WellBound centers are staffed with compassionate and dedicated kidney health experts. Many of our dialysis nurses are certified in nephrology (CNN/CDN), our social workers hold advanced degrees and our dietitians are specially trained in renal nutrition.

Our 24/7 urgent care telephone support line provides invaluable peace of mind for patients and our coordinated care model supports a range of lifestyle needs for home dialysis patients.

Learn more about Satellite’s industry leading home dialysis program

Quality Leader

Everyone talks about quality. Our reputation as a quality leader is validated by the independent, annual reporting of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on health outcomes and patient satisfaction for dialysis centers across the United States.

Every year since the CMS Dialysis Facility Compare program has been in place, Satellite Healthcare has come out on top in both quality care and patient satisfaction.

Higher patient satisfaction
84% of Satellite Healthcare centers were rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars by patients, compared with the national average of 52%.
(Source: Centers for Medicare Services Patient Experience Survey released Fall 2020)

Better patient care health outcomes
62% of Satellite Healthcare centers were rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars by CMS, compared with the national average of 57%.
(Source: Centers for Medicare Services Quality of Patient Care Star Rating released Fall 2020)

Partnering with Satellite Healthcare

With approximately 40% of patients learning they have End Stage Kidney Disease upon presentation to Emergency Departments, an outpatient element that complements inpatient services can help with reduction in length of stay while providing the opportunity for patients to begin their treatments in a home setting – ultimately reducing hospitalizations and unnecessary readmissions.

Satellite Healthcare’s 48 years of consecutive growth means it can offer financially successful and stable partnership opportunities. An outpatient dialysis joint venture can help turn your renal program from a cost center to a profit center.

Learn more about partnerships with Satellite Healthcare

The role of patient education

A better-informed patient lives a better life. The most important person on any care team is the patient. Our treatment plans include options education and individualized, continuing education, so people under our care have the information they need to live a longer and healthier life.

Reviews materials our kidney care experts use to help our patients live their best life possible.

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Partnering with Satellite Healthcare

Year after year, we receive top satisfaction scores from our physician partners. Learn more about…