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Whats the Vitamin D Connection to Kidneys

Vitamin D and Your Kidneys

Did you know that your kidneys play an essential role in making the vitamin D your body needs? People living with chronic kidney disease often do not get the right amount of vitamin D. Here’s what you need to know.

How Do We Get Vitamin D?

There are two ways you can get vitamin D — from the sun’s UV radiation or food and supplements. Once vitamin D is absorbed from the sun or through food, your kidneys work to convert it into an active form and send it on its way throughout your body as you need it.
People living with chronic kidney disease may have low vitamin D levels because diseased kidneys may not be able to convert vitamin D into an active form.

Who is at Risk for Vitamin D Deficiencies?

While anyone can have a vitamin D deficiency for one reason or another, the following people are most at risk:
  • Elderly people
  • African-Americans and people with darker skin color
  • People with a higher body mass index (obesity)
To check your vitamin D level, ask your doctor for a blood test.

How to Get Your Proper Intake of Vitamin D

Since there are different types of vitamin D, it’s critical for CKD patients to talk to their kidney doctors before taking any vitamin supplements on their own — including vitamin D.
If you are concerned about a vitamin D deficiency, speak to your health professionals at Satellite Healthcare. Your care team will help guide you on how you can improve your vitamin D levels and address any of your other concerns about living with CKD.

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