What should you do when a loved one has been recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease? It’s important to stay positive, but it’s also important to understand what they are going through. Here’s what you need to know about the effects of chronic kidney disease:
- It’s scary at first. But with the help of a nephrologist and other healthcare professionals, they will find the right type of dialysis treatment for their health and lifestyle. Each individual learns what their body needs and begin to feel better with the right treatment.
- While those with chronic kidney disease face many challenges, with a few adaptations and a little compromise they will be able to live a happy life.
- With the help of their renal dietitian and renal social worker, they will learn about how to manage lifestyle, career, and diet changes to best fit their individual needs.
- With the support of their healthcare team, family, and other patients, it’s possible to return to a life they love, whatever it may be!