People on dialysis are extra mindful of diet. Having food staples on hand when stuck at home is a great idea. Here are some kidney-friendly foods to stock up on.
- Canned fruits: applesauce, fruit cocktail, peaches, pears, pineapples, and mandarin oranges.
- Juices: cranberry, apple, grape, lemonade, limeade, fruit punch.
- Canned vegetables with no added salt: green beans, corn, mixed vegetables, bamboo shoots, and water chestnuts.
- Low-sodium proteins: canned tuna, salmon, turkey, chicken, shelf-stable tofu, canned beans (no salt added), and unsalted nut butter.
- Grains: white bread, sourdough bread, rice, corn or oat cereal, cream of rice or wheat, oats, grits, pasta or rice, and unsalted crackers.
- Fats: unsalted butter, margarine, olive oil, canola oil, and mayonnaise.
- Sweets (in moderation): animal crackers, vanilla wafers, hard candies, jelly beans, honey, jam, jelly, or sugar.
As always, watching serving size and number of daily servings. Check in with your dietitian if you have any questions.
As you stock up, consider a grocery delivery service rather than going to the store yourself. If you do need to go to the store, be sure to stay 6 feet away from others.
Finally, don’t miss your dialysis treatments. Satellite Healthcare centers remain open and available to you. For more information, contact your local Satellite Healthcare Dialysis Center.