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Resolutions That Stick for 2020

A new year can mean new beginnings, and for many that  starts with a list of resolutions. Some might be small daily goals, others, lifelong wishes. Whatever your list is, it’s best to prioritize goals that are realistic for your health and lifestyle. If you’re  looking for a few kidney-friendly decisions that might be in reach, here are a few to consider:

Stand Up Every 30 Minutes

Getting up and standing every thirty minutes is excellent for your blood flow and could  improve your kidney health, too. If you sit throughout the day, set a timer, get up every hour and take a stroll around. In no time, it will become a new healthy habit.

Get More Rest

A lack of sleep leads to weight gain, memory issues, and other health concerns. Make 2020 the year you stick to a scheduled bedtime. By going to bed each night at the same time, and waking each morning at the same time, you’ll get the proper rest that you need to feel healthy and strong..

Don’t Skip Meals

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating the right food often, regulates your blood sugar, keeps you energized, can keep you at a healthy weight and reduces your chance for overeating.

Keep Up Medical Appointments

Preventive care is essential to keep you as healthy has possible. The new year is a good time  to start going to wellness visits. Talk to your physician about your health options and take active steps to make 2020 the year you feel your best.

If your 2020 resolutions include getting  more time back in your day, talk to your Satellite Healthcare social worker about your dialysis options. Many people find that home dialysis gives them the flexibility they need for a more active life.

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