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Reduce Stress to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of CKD, and more than half the people living with CKD have high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are things you can try to do to keep your blood pressure as low as possible. Healthier blood pressure can help slow the progression of kidney disease and reduce the chances of complications.

Moderating your blood pressure starts with a healthy diet and staying active, but managing stress can play a big part, too. Here are some ways you can reduce stress and keep your blood pressure under better control:

Get Enough Sleep

Poor quality sleep affects you mentally and physically. You’re less alert, less energized, and more prone to stress and illness when you’re tired. Listen to your body and try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

Build a Strong Social Network

Join a support group. Go for a daily walk with friends. Make weekly plans with friends and family. Spending time with others lifts your mood and keeps your mind sharp. Research shows that an active social life often improves mental sharpness and can contribute to longer and happier lives.

Try New Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing and meditation are some of the more popular ways you can work to control stress. Yoga and muscle relaxation is another way to keep your stress levels low. Look around for classes that fit your fitness level, but be sure to check in with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Consider Your Dialysis Options

Home dialysis options can offer more schedule flexibility and freedom to do the things you love. To find out if home dialysis is right for you, contact Satellite Healthcare, today.

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