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Planning Your Summer Getaway

Don’t let your dialysis treatments keep you from enjoying a summer getaway. Before you book your flight, here’s everything you need to know about planning a trip while on dialysis:

Plan In Advance

To ease your nerves and ensure everything is set for your vacation, you’ll want to plan everything 6 to 8 weeks in advance if you can. However, emergencies do happen, and if you’re  traveling because of one, many dialysis centers will be willing to accept you as a patient. Your Satellite Healthcare  social worker can help with this.

Find a Center Near By

First, you’ll want to find a center near your travel destination. If you’re  visiting family members, reach out to them and ask if they can help find a list of centers nearby. You can then work through the best option for you.

What About Home Hemodialysis?

If you’re used to at-home treatments, you’ll want to ask our care team if you’re a candidate to travel with your equipment. Even if your equipment is ready for travel, you should still be aware of locations nearby that can help with medical assistance if needed. You’ll also want to bring the service numbers for your dialysis equipment in case you need assistance.

When you begin packing for your trip, don’t forget to:

  • Bring medical records and your supplies in your carry-on.
  • Reach out to airlines about any meal restrictions.
  • Bring medication for the whole trip and copies of your prescriptions.
  • Check with your insurance company about your coverage and any documentation that you might need.

Reach out to Your Social Worker

To plan your summer vacation so you can safely enjoy the trip, reach out to your Satellite Healthcare Social worker for help. They can help assist with contact info and anything else you’ll need before you travel.

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