A positive outlook helps you live your best life on dialysis. Holiday stress can make that a challenge. Here are a few things you can do to keep your spirits high during the holidays.
1. Enjoy Time with Those You Love
Now is the perfect time to be around people who you love. Social interaction is good for both emotional health and physical health, too. Studies show that social relationships are also linked to a longer lifespan.
2. Get Festive
Decorate with family and friends. Plan a few special things to do to celebrate the season. Heading to a holiday potluck? Plan on making a dialysis-friendly dish to share with others and to help you stay on your meal plan.
3. Celebrate Small Wins
Setting daily or weekly goals are great ways to keep going and stay positive. Maybe you stayed on top of your fluid intake this week, or you had more energy than the week before. Little wins are always a reason to smile.
4. Plan for Naps
Even just a few minutes of rest can give you the added bounce you need to enjoy a party. If you’re worried about making it through a long day, check-in with your host ahead. Ask if there’s a quiet place for you to take a break if you feel tired.
5. Consider a New Challenge
What will the new year bring? Is there something you’d like to do? Take a special trip? Have the energy to learn something new? Talk to your Satellite Healthcare social worker. There are lots of things you can do to live your best life possible. Your patient care team is here to help you along the way.