How Much Protein Do I Need?
The Role Protein Plays in a Renal Diet
When living with CKD, you have to follow a special diet to support your kidneys’ health and function. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste out of your blood from the foods you eat every day, making it essential not to cause excess strain on damaged kidneys.
From helping your body build muscle to fighting off infection, protein is essential to support your body’s health and function. While we all need protein in our diets to allow our bodies to stay healthy, you may find yourself wondering how protein fits into your renal diet when your kidneys aren’t able to remove all the protein waste from your body.
The experts at Satellite Healthcare shed some light on how protein fits into your kidney-friendly diet.
How Much Protein is Right?
However, it is important to keep in mind that limiting your protein consumption doesn’t mean skipping out on protein altogether. Having too little protein in your diet can result in malnutrition regardless of the stage of kidney disease that you have.
On Dialysis
If you are living with CKD and are on dialysis, it is advised that you increase your protein intake. This is because dialysis helps to remove protein waste from your blood, eliminating your need to cut back on high-protein foods.
If you have questions about exactly how much protein is appropriate for your diet, it is important that you speak with your healthcare team. That way, they can develop recommendations that are unique to you and your specific health condition.