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Dialysis Friendly Tips to Dining Out This Valentines Day

Keeping a Dialysis Friendly Diet

Life on dialysis doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a night on the town. In fact, you have many options  as long as you keep the right choices in mind when it comes to the menu.

Here are some ways to keep your CKD-diet on track when you dine  out this Valentine’s Day.

Pick a Restaurant In Advance

A restaurant picked at random might make it hard to stick to your  nutrition plan.

Scope out your restaurant options  online to find those that can best meet  your specific needs. Many restaurant websites include menus that identify foods  that might be heart-healthy and low in sodium.

Watch Your Fluid Intake

Watching your total daily fluid intake is essential when it comes to feeling your best on dialysis. Feel free to ask your server for a smaller glass and don’t hesitate to tell him or her that you’ll ask when/if you want more.

It’s normal to want to celebrate Valentine’s Day  with a glass of wine or carbonated beverages. Check with your dietitian ahead of time, to see what’s right for you.

Portion Size Matters

No matter what restaurant you go to, keep portions small. Eating smaller portions can significantly help reduce your intake of salt, calories, fat, potassium, and phosphorus.

If your doctor has prescribed phosphorus binders, be sure to take them before you eat.  Don’t feel pressured to eat your entire meal. You can always ask to have it wrapped up and taken home.

With these tips, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying a happy and healthy Valentine’s Day.

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