The holiday season is here and for most of us, that means indulging in some traditional favorite foods. Doing so too much can cause health problems for anyone, especially people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD). That doesn’t mean you have to give up indulging completely, just follow these few common sense tips.
Here are 5 ways to enjoy the holiday and feel your best:
1. Cook Your Meals
As tasty as prepackaged foods are, they’re rarely good for our bodies. Most are loaded with sodium, potassium, and phosphorous. Instead, take time to make treats from scratch.
2. Remember Your Fruits and Veggies
Balance traditional rich and heavy foods with dialysis-friendly fruits and vegetables. These healthy foods make great appetizers that help fill us up, so we don’t overdo the ‘party’ foods served at dinner.
3. Stay Active
Find ways to get active and enjoy family time while getting your ‘steps in’. Why not go for a nice walk after your holiday feast? The extra movement can help keep your energy up and burn extra calories.
4. Watch Your Sodium
Salt is used as a preservative. Stay away from processed and cured meats like ham and bacon. Instead choose fresh cuts of chicken, turkey or pork roast. These choices are better for everyone at your holiday table.
5. Find Time to Get Rest
Listen to your body. The festivities may leave you a bit worn down. Get as much sleep as you can and consider taking a nap before leaving for a holiday celebration.
For smarter do’s and don’t of holiday eating, speak with your renal dietitian or kidney doctor.