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Humanizing Dialysis Physician Update July 2020

2020 ISPD Practice Recommendations, A Patient Engagement Council and more

We have long favored a holistic approach to assessing how well a person is doing on peritoneal dialysis that is not limited to so called “adequacy”. The International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis’s guidelines on providing High-Quality Goal-Directed peritoneal dialysis, which were released earlier this year, recommend assessing quality of life, fluid status, small molecule solute clearance, nutrition status, anemia management, and bone and mineral disease in order to form a comprehensive picture of how well a person on PD is doing.

Never has successful support of patients on home therapies been more critical than during the current pandemic, where the ability to remain at home is literally a matter of life and death. We encourage you to review the guidelines summarized below and hope they are helpful in supporting your practice.

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